“Ambassador” – an interplanetary diplomat named Daru Tezane. | Created in Adobe Photoshop CS4.“Audrin and the Arrowhead” – a spacer and his junky, custom-build space craft. | Created in Adobe Photoshop CS4.“Putrid Filth” – A portrayal of the ugly shame and disgust resulting from an impure thought life. | Created in Adobe Photoshop CS4.“Adept of the White Current” – Portrait of Farrad, an Echani-Fallanassi-Jedi Knight, from a Force Journey play-by-post adventure. | Created in Adobe Photoshop CS4.“Playing with Acrylics” -Breaking from digital, this is a work-in-progress acrylic painting on wood panel. Initially inspired by a photograph of actress Louise Brooks, this painting has since taken a new direction. There’s some beautiful, messy texture going on and I love it!“Aged Soldier” – Inspired by a request from the Star Wars Artist Guild for an aged and weary soldier. | Created in Adobe Photoshop CS4.An unfinished digital painting inspired by a challenge from the Star Wars Artist Guild and also by research on how to improve painting technique, I began this piece in parody of “Spring” by Auguste Cot. | Created in Adobe Photoshop CS4.“Fantasy Lady” – Inspired by a simple sketch from many years prior. I attempted to reimagine the subject matter in a new medium and improved technical skill. | Created in Adobe Photoshop CS4. “Darker Ways of the Force” – Inspired by a challenge from the Star Wars Artist Guild featuring a Miraluka Force-User, a Mirialan soldier, and a Kowakian monkey-lizard. | Created in Adobe Photoshop CS4.